Art Exhibition

As a part of the ART for AUTISM festival for the first time AMAZE and VELVI decided hold an Art Exhibition in order to create of awareness about Autism and the Artistic abilities of persons on the spectrum with the public.

The exhibition was opened by well known Artist Mr. Raffic Ahamad from Chennai. Three artists were featured : – Kirtanraw Subramaniam from Malaysia who had sent in 4 exquisite Oil paintings on canvas, Roshan [Orko] Roy, 24 from Mumbai who had sent in 15 pieces a mix sketches, oils and watercolours as well as Aishwarya Sriram, 34 from Chennai who had brought with her a collection of jigsaw puzzles assembled by her and framed . Aishwarya also did a live demo of assembling a 300 piece puzzle which she did over the course of the day with no model to copy from .

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