Akila Vaidyanathan & Sriram Narayan

We are parents to a wonderful young man with Autism. He uses alternate modes of communication [on the ipad]… He is a connoisseur of food and music and also loves the outdoors …trekking, cycling.

Our journey with Autism has been at once Amazing and Confounding and we have made many discoveries on the way.This inspired us to set up Amaze Trust in September 2012 to share our journey, experiences and discoveries with Families like ours.

Our goal is to set up Lifespan solutions for persons on the Spectrum and to make the community a place where persons on the spectrum are accepted and valued for who they are.

Sriram is a Chartered Accountant who now does Business Process Consulting and Akila worked in the software industry and later qualified herself in various aspects of training persons on the spectrum.



Shahanas Faiza.S

Special educator/ Psychologist

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Shahanas Faiza.S

I am working @ Amaze since October 2013. Working with the Autistic children made me realize I have to constantly innovate to be of value. They made me grow personally and professionally in terms of communication and understanding. Living it! Loving it! Enjoying it!

Sathish Kumar.P

Special educator/ Psychologist

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Sathish Kumar.P

I  work @AMAZE since May 2014.  My goal is to help & support  persons with autism to become as Independent an much possible in their day to day life and to  do work on their own. I also would like to work towards placing them in  employment open , supported or sheltered .



Special educator

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I am working  @ Amaze from June 2014. I really enjoy working with special (Autism) children. I  am glad to facilitate their learning process .  They have helped  me to think innovatively and taught me ways of  to expressing  love & affection.



Content Developer and Teaching Assistant

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 I am working  @AMAZE  since June 2014. This field was completely  new to me, but working here has helped me find my talents. I am happy to be a part of the Amaze family. I feel my life is has changed for better .


S.Muthumari a.k.a Mahesh

Vocational trainer and General Assistaant

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S.Muthumari a.k.a Mahesh

I am  working  @Amaze since June 2015 . I am enjoying it here and I have dedicated myself to  work for children with Autism . They are very cooperative and  they  show a lot of interest in vocational activity.



Consultant / Special Educator

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I have been working  @ Amaze since July 2014. I feel  I am destined to work in this field in order to to make the special children’s destiny better as much as possible in all ways .


Raj kumar.P

Physical /Fitness trainer

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Raj Kumar.P

I  work  @AMAZE since July 2015. I would like to  dedicate my life to sports. I feel sports gives value to  our life. I  like to work with special needs children and  to encourage and develop the sports ability within them.



Consultant Special Educator

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I am working @ Amaze since August 2014. My goal and interest area is to help special children to learn (Academic concepts). I motivate them to overcome their learning difficulties.



Vocational trainer and General assistant

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I am  working  @Amaze since September 2014 . I am happy to help the students become  independent in simple cooking recipes and methods. I find that the students also are very interested in cooking. I hope they will be become independent soon .



Content Developer and Office Assistant

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I am working @Amaze since October 2014 .I like to prepare worksheets for special children. My colleagues guide me in my work.  I am happy to be a part of the Amaze team .


Theiva kani.S

Physical/ Fitness trainer

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Theiva Kani.S

I have started  working  @ Amaze since June 2015. I am an athlete. I love kabadi. This field new to me. so I find working with special children is a challenge. I am on my toes all the time but I love my job.



Vocational trainer and General Assistant

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I am Malathi working  @Amaze since June 2015 . I like to work with children . I like to help them. And I am trying to  make them do their own work independently.



Special educator

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I  started working  @ Amaze since June 2015. I  have a child with Autism and this  inspired me to do B.Ed in Special education. As I am  from Mettupalayam. My goal is  to bring awareness to the parents in rural areas that  children with Autism can lead a can normal life if they are trained the right way like the children @ Amaze .My son is a student here too !!