
The Art for Autism festival is the Brain child of Dr Parasuram Ramamoorthi ,Chairman of the Velvi trust Madurai .He started this concept way back in 2006 to bring together therapists in the fields of Drama , Music , Art and Movement [Creative dance] as he saw a lot of potential in using these tools to help children and persons on the Autism spectrum improve their skills in the areas of Communication , Joint attention and Social skills as well as for some discover a passion or a talent which could then become their vocation for life .

The festival was brought to Coimbatore and organized this time by The AMAZE Charitable trust Coimbatore in collaboration with VELVI trust Madurai. This time a record 115 persons attended the festival and this included 31 children/persons on the spectrum and their families, 20 professionals and facilitators, organizers and volunteers. The participants came from Coimbatore and the neighboring regions like Tirupur, Karur, Salem, Palakkad, Trichur Cochin, Mysore Bangalore and Hyderabad. It was a residential program to allow parents and professionals to have a complete break from their routines and focus on the work with their wards as well as interact and foster friendships with one another .

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